3 Ways to Boost Your Credit

3 ways to boost your credit

Hey there, money makers! In our financial journeys, building a strong credit score is a key milestone. It's not just a number โ€“ it's a gateway to better loan terms, lower interest rates, and a range of other financial benefits. Boosting your credit score might seem challenging, but there are effective strategies to enhance it quickly. Letโ€™s explore three impactful ways to elevate your credit score in a relatively short time.

1. Become an authorized user

One effective strategy to boost your credit score is becoming an authorized user on another person's credit card. This approach works best if the primary cardholder has a history of responsible credit use. When you're added as an authorized user, the account's positive credit history starts reflecting on your credit report, contributing to your overall credit score.

The impact of this method can be significant. A Federal Reserve study revealed that authorized users could see a notable boost in their credit score. The exact increase varies depending on the primary account holder's credit habits. For this to work effectively, the primary cardholder must maintain good credit habits, like keeping a low credit utilization ratio and paying bills on time. Remember, any negative information on the primary account can also affect your score, so choose who you attach yourself to wisely.

2. Apply for a secured credit card

Secured credit cards are another excellent tool for building or rebuilding credit. Unlike standard credit cards, a secured card requires a deposit that typically serves as your credit limit. This deposit minimizes the risk for the issuer, making these cards more accessible for those with no or poor credit history.

Using a secured card responsibly can lead to improvements in your credit score. A survey by Experian showed that a majority of consumers with a secured credit card saw an improvement in their credit score within a year. To maximize the benefits, use the secured card for small purchases and ensure you pay the full balance each month. This consistent, responsible usage demonstrates your creditworthiness and can help you transition to an unsecured credit card over time.

3. Pay bills On time and in full

Perhaps the most fundamental yet impactful action you can take is to ensure timely payment of your bills. Your payment history is the most significant factor in your credit score calculation, making up 30-40% of your score depending on the scoring model. Late payments can have a drastic negative impact, especially on a good credit score. According to The Lending Tree, a late payment can drop your score up to 180 points.

To maintain a spotless payment record, consider setting up automatic payments for your bills. This ensures you never miss a due date. Even if you can't pay the full balance, paying at least the minimum due is crucial to avoid late fees and credit score damage. Ideally, aim to pay off the full balance to avoid interest charges and keep your credit utilization low.

The key takeaway

Enhancing your credit score is a blend of strategic actions and consistent financial habits. By leveraging tools like being an authorized user on a credit card, responsibly using a secured credit card, and maintaining a flawless payment record, you can significantly improve your credit score. Regular monitoring of your credit score is essential to track your progress and make necessary adjustments. Remember, a robust credit score is a vital component of your financial toolkit, unlocking numerous opportunities for growth and stability. Keep nurturing it, money makers!

Kimberly Hamilton

Founder and Owner of Beworth Finance. Travel junkie, pilates enthusiast, wannabe foodie and personal finance nerd. 


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